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JW3 to check visitors halachic status

After having been attacked in a series of open letters from members of the Charedi community over hosting controversial events at JW3, the centre has announced a new initiative aimed at easing intra-communal tensions which would allow Charedim to use the centre.   As well as introducing compulsory separate seating for men and women at the […]


Shock as new research shows Jews living north of London

The Institute for Jewish Policy and Research this week released a new report which shows that there are Jews living north of Watford.  A spokesperson for the Board of Deputies told the Daily Jews that an emergency summit will be held to plan fundraising and an aid package for these people who are now being […]


International committee of experts finally reveal the difference between Reform and Liberal Judaism

Guest writer: Professor Jewface An international commission set up 20 years ago to investigate the difference between Reform and Liberal Judaism has finally revealed the findings of its deliberations. Speaking in front of a packed auditorium in Geneva, Professor Jurgen von Jurgenson stated: ‘After twenty years of intense study by 300 experts from 50 countries, […]


Ladies Guild strike over trans inclusion

Hendon United Synagogue ladies guild has gone on strike, it’s been announced, over the Rabbi’s insistence that trans-drag-queen Malka Tikvah who is a member of the synagogue be allowed to join the ladies guild. Ms Tikvah aged 69 who last year failed to become Israel’s entry in the Eurovision song contest said ever since she […]


Reform chief vows movement will become ‘frummer’ than Masorti

Citing intense competition for members over the past decade, Reform Judaism’s Senior Rabbi, Laura Janner-Klausner said her rabbinical assembly will soon be taking steps to lure more halachically observant members away from Masorti. The steps under discussion involve accepting the halachic authority of the Orthodox Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mervis.  Whilst the philosophy of the movement […]

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Shidduch Crisis is ‘fake news’ cries whistleblower

By Guest writer; Yossi Sephardiker A leading shadchan has released details of a secret campaign by shadchanim around the world to profit by making us worry needlessly (as if we didn’t have enough to worry about already).  Rabbi Shnitzelburger, who until last week presided over the Global Network of Venerable Industrious Matchmakers (GNoVIM), speaking from […]


Chief Rabbi to appear on Love Island

In an effort to reach out to less affiliated Jews, the Chief Rabbi has agreed to appear as a contestant on next year’s Love Island.   Whilst the Chief Rabbi is married, his office assures us there will be no halachic problems arising from his stint on the show: “There are enough creative solutions in […]


White Smoke Arises From Federation Headquarters: “Mir Hobn A Poypst”

Hamodia writer, Nosson Horo, brings us the latest from the Hareidi community Heimishe Yidden have begun a month of celebration of the appointment of the new Av Beis Din and Rov of the Federation, HaGaon R Shraga Feivel Zimmerman, Shlita To The Moon And Back. After weeks of feverish speculation as the Beis Din were […]


False alarm as terror attack turns out to be TV licensing men

Hendon Jews held a vigil last night until, that is, news reached them that the terror attack they thought they were experiencing was actually a TV licensing van. Helen Goldstein from Hendon Court said she heard screaming coming from her neighbours on both sides and was terrified when she heard the bell ringing at 8:45pm […]


The Daily Jews launched to the world

With offices on Fleet Street, Hendon. The Daily Jews this week launched its new publication at a wild all-night party full of celebrity Jews and other VIPs.  In attendance were TV personality Rachel Riley who was seen mingling with Author and Poet Michael Rosen, former MP George Galloway and for Chief Rabbi, Lord Jonathan Sacks. […]

The Daily Jews
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