Coronavirus: Happy Birthday infringes copyright, say Warner Bros

Warner Bros, the owner of the copyright on the song Happy Birthday, has issued a cease and desist order to members of the public who sing Happy Birthday twice while washing their hands. The letter sent to all homes in the UK states “playing the tune back in your head is allowed, but singing it out loud with the original melody and lyrics could incur a penalty”.
The warning from Warner Bros is in contrast to official government health guidelines which recommend singing Happy Birthday when washing your hands (twice) as a way to reduce transmission of the Coronavirus. Government Chief Medical Officer, Dr B Crusher, told Daily Jews that there is strong science behind the recommendation. “Singing Happy Birthday brings back good memories which release endorphins which help to fight the virus. The water is just a placebo”.
Meanwhile, Kanye West has offered the use of his music for free to fight Coronavirus. The government has warned against this practice as it may have terrible side effects such as being punched in the face by a stranger.