Appeal: Socks are not just for Xmas

Every year millions of socks are bought as gifts at Christmas. The buyers’ intentions are usually good, to provide a loving home, warm washing machine and regular walks.
But a shocking new study has shown that 98.87% of Xmas socks are discarded after only one week.
The study was funded by the National Association of Sock Rehoming (NASR) who tell us that most Xmas socks have to be destroyed when new homes can’t be found for them after six-weeks in a shelter.
Linda Lederhosen, the National campaign manager for NASR told us people need to be aware of the issues before buying Xmas socks as gifts. “We’ve had a lot of awareness about drink driving at this time of year but will somebody think of the socks? “
“It’s like people don’t realise what’s at stake here, these are real socks we’re talking about, not just pop socks. I wish people wouldn’t be so heartless. They’re not puppies you know!” She told us.
Terrance Traumatix has run a shelter for discarded Xmas socks for the past 37 years. He told us that his organisation is at a breaking point, and government funding was needed for him to continue to do his work. “People don’t realise the cost of looking after discarded socks, they can live for 50-60 years, that’s a lot of detergent and draws to fund. I currently have 7300 pairs and 1586 socks who have lost their partner that I care for in my one-bed council flat in Putney. I had to give up work to do this, but it’s worth it.
The problem in inner cities is worse, with a stark increase in the number of homeless socks. Jane Therapy works in Waterloo and passes by Waterloo bridge every day. She told us the instances of discarded socks living on the streets is troubling. “These socks are some of the most vulnerable. It’s heartbreaking. Some of them have to do terrible things just to get by. I saw a homeless man performing an unpleasant sex act on a discarded Xmas sock last week. It’s something I can’t unsee.”
This year the Daily Jews is backing the ‘Save a Sock’ campaign. Every time you donate £100 to the Daily Jews, we will give 50p to the Save a Sock campaign. 50p will keep a sock clean and warm for 6th months. Please give generously to this worthy cause.