Man celebrates completing diet after skipping one meal

David Jason (44) from Hendon, London, is holding a small celebration this weekend to mark the completion of his first diet in 17 years.
David told his friends of his relief at being able to eat normally again. “Yesterday I skipped lunch but today I’m really happy I can eat as much as I like again”.
He went on to talk about the impact the diet has had on him. “I feel great now. It’s like I have renewed energy. Or that could be the Mars bar I just ate”.
David’s next project is a 5k run fun which he has booked himself in for in five years time. “I’m really hoping that if I start working towards the run now, in five years I should be able to compete and run most of the 5k. This month I’m going to start using the stairs at work to get from the ground top the first floor rather than the lift.” he told friends.