Chris Williamson to stand for Tories after Labour ban

Suspended Labour MP Chris Williamson has announced he will be standing as a Conservative MP after being barred by the party NEC from standing for Labour.
The Labour national executive will not allow a suspended MP to stand for office. Mr Williamson was suspended (twice) after repeatedly baiting the Jewish community and defending antisemites.
Mr Williamson told the Daily Jews he was looking for a party to call home that would tolerate racism. “I feel at home in my new party. They have all sorts of flavours of racist. They even have MP’s of different ethnic minorities who are racist.”
Daily Jews asked Boris Johnson for a statement on Mr Williamsons alleged antisemitism, but he was too busy defending Jacob Ress-Mogg over his blaming of the Grenfell Tower victims for their owns deaths. A spokesperson for the party told us. “Mr Williamson flirted with Corbybism, but historically he was a Blairite so we believe he’ll adapt quickly to being a Tory hardline Brexiteer.