How to blame the Jews for the election result you didn’t want

With the UK general election just weeks away, antisemites need to be ready with all their blaming when things don’t go there way. We’ve produced a short handy guide for how to blame Jews for your party losing the election.
- Conservatives lose – Why did any Jews vote for Labour? They’ve put an antisemite (Corbyn) in power. Any antisemitism from the left is their own fault now.
- Labour lose – The smears against our great leader have prevented a socialist / Marxist (delete as appropriate) utopia. The Zionists conducted a smear campaign funded by the Israeli government who own the press.
- Lib Dems lose – Damn, now we have to go into coalition with a racist party (Labour or Tories). Let’s get Baroness Tonge back.
- Brexit Party lose – we blame the foreigners (Jews & Muslims and pretty much everyone else)
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