Local Jewish sports team delighted to have taken part

North West London Jewish sports team Maccabi Somethingorother has played a game this week. Manager and Head coach Asher Garfunklavich told the Daily Jews he was delighted his team had taken part. “They say it’s the taking part that counts, it’s true”, he told us.”
The team are in a league with other teams who play the same sport and are ok at it. Last year the team finished somewhere in the table and even drew a game when it was called off because of rain.
“We have some real players in our team. They all play for us, and most of them can finish a game” Garfunklavich told us. “We have Yonni who is really fit and apart from his weight issue could be seen as an athlete of sorts. Then there is Dovid who last year broke into the team after some other guy’s wife told him he wasn’t allowed to come to play with us any more. Dovid is a really talented… photographer…”.
The team hope to take part in more games this year and are holding an open day to attract more players. If you can play sports or not, please contact them.