Attorney General: I am a fucking knob head

Attorney General Geoffrey Cox has defended the legal advice he gave to the government which suggested prorogation was legal. He did, however, admit to being a “fucking knob head” in an address to Parliament.
“I’m not sorry about anything. The Prime Minister was justified in lying to the Queen and the public, and I am indeed a fucking knob head” He told the House of Commons.
He went on to explain that the country is now run by knobs and would be for the foreseeable future. “You the people voted in a bunch of knobs” he explained, “this is how democracy works”. You thought you voted for one knob (May), but you actually voted for a whole group of knobs (the Tories) who are now lead by arch knob Johnson. The clue is in the name”.
He finished explaining that legally there is no removing the knobs. “The knobs are in power now. We will decide on the future direction of this country. If we decide to hold another election, you will likely vote in more knobs anyway. You only have yourselves to blame. You knobs.”