Daily Jews launch new logo

After six months in development and nearly $10m spent on the project the Daily Jews, today launched it’s new logo to the world.
We asked the editor of the Daily News what he thought of the new logo “Well… It’s OK” he told us.
The logo design was inspired by the image of Jewish comedian Humphrey Marx, the least funny of the Marx brothers. Humphrey was often booed off stage and finally kicked out of Marx Brothers act. He famously said afterwards “I refuse to join any club that would have my brother Groucho”.
The Daily Jews expect our readers to find our humour at least as funny as Humphrey Marx.
We expect the world Jewish conspiracy to be in full effect by 2045 by which time the entire world will use Yiddish as the lingua franca. In anticipation, we already created a Yiddish transliteration of the logo.