Zionist underground training camp uncovered in Kingsbury

An undercover reporter working for Al Jazeera has exposed an underground training camp in Kingsbury, North West London.
The journalist Clayton Swisher previously worked on the famous Al Jazeera documentary, ‘The Lobby’, which proved that a cabal of Zionists controls the UK. He is working on a new documentary which will show how children as young as 11 years old are being radicalised at a facility known to insiders as JFS.
The documentary will show how Jewish parents in London are sending their children to the JFS facility, thinking they will get a top-rate education and go on to Oxbridge. Instead, they’re being trained by Mossad to be future leaders in the Elders of Zion.
Training is said to include inserting bombs into Challah, killing goyim with Shabbat candlesticks and manipulating world governments to bend to their will.
Mr Swisher claims to have footage of teachers at JFS discussing their summer holidays in Israel, which proves the conspiracy goes deep within the organisation. Further, Mr Swisher claims this ‘JFS’ has several Israeli pupils he told The Daily Jews. “There is no other possible explanation as to why Israeli’s living in London would send their children to this JFS camp. They’re clearly Mossad agents.”
We attempted to contact JFS for a comment, but we were told the facility doesn’t exist.