New app tracks which of your friends and family are broigus with you

The Daily Jews were given a beta version of a new app designed especially for the Jewish community. BroigusApp was developed by Solly Josephs of Chigwell. Mr Josephs told us his inspiration for making this app and how it came to fruition. “Over the years, I found myself in schpilkas worrying who was broigus with me. I’d forget which cousin I wasn’t speaking too and which Aunt wasn’t speaking to me.
Once, I didn’t speak to my friend Maureen Shiva for a whole year because I thought I was broigus with her when it was her friend Doris Artscroll, who I was broigus with. By the time I realised, Maureen was broigus with me, and we haven’t spoken for 12 years.”
The Shiva incident was when I realised I needed to keep track of things properly. I started with a spreadsheet; then I realised it would be much better if my friends and family could update it too!. That’s when I decided to make an app.
“I launched an early version with my close friends and family, and it went really well. So I added in a dashboard. Now I can see that I’m currently not talking to 12 family members and friends; while 17 family members and friends are not talking to me.”
We asked Mr Josephs how he plans to make money from the app “well, the basic version will be free because, well Jews. Then we have in-app purchases that enable you to switch on some cool features. These include: auto-blocking your facebook friends; categorising your broiguses into intentional, unintentional, imaginary and just-for-fun. My favourite premium feature allows you to set up an automated message chain for messaging with your broiguses via mutual friends.”
BroigusApp has plans to expand the app further after launch “We’re planning a longest broigus competition. My Aunt Hilda would probably win because she hasn’t spoken to her twin sister Maude since they were seven years old. Secondary school was hard for them.”
This reviewer found the app very easy to use. I synced my phone contacts and Facebook friends with ease, I managed to block 34 people in moments. I especially enjoyed setting up my broigus anniversaries. For example, I set-up a notification that said: “On this day in 1996 Doniel Richjew had the Moskowitzes for Shabbos dinner and didn’t think to invite me”.
Mr Josephs told us he had big plans for the future “I’m planning a set of features to minimise unwanted broiguses. For example, there will be a feature that allows you to list who you shtupped and who they’re related to, so you don’t brag to the wrong person.”
While reviewing, I did find one small bug, which means my Dad no longer talks to me, but that’s the price of being an early adopter.