JW3 to check visitors halachic status

After having been attacked in a series of open letters from members of the Charedi community over hosting controversial events at JW3, the centre has announced a new initiative aimed at easing intra-communal tensions which would allow Charedim to use the centre.
As well as introducing compulsory separate seating for men and women at the centre, JW3 will begin asking visitors for their parents’ Ketubah along with the usual bag checks.
Once visitors have had their halachic status confirmed, men will be asked if they have put on tefillin that day by a dedicated team from Chabad who are moving into the centre.
Films at the cinema will still be shown but all women will be edited out of the movies so as not to cause the men to feel horny, God forbid. The upside is that most films will be edited down to around 20 mins enabling many more movies to be shown in one day.
:The new rules are not meant to alienate our non-Jews or halachically dubious visitors”, says JW3 CEO Raymond Simonson, “people who fail to pass the halachic test will be able to enjoy ‘JW3 to-go’, a new programme we’re offering whereby these people will receive a folder with interesting bits of Jewish trivia to study at home, an MP3 of Hava Nagila and a salt beef sandwich all for only £49.99”.