Reform chief vows movement will become ‘frummer’ than Masorti

Citing intense competition for members over the past decade, Reform Judaism’s Senior Rabbi, Laura Janner-Klausner said her rabbinical assembly will soon be taking steps to lure more halachically observant members away from Masorti.
The steps under discussion involve accepting the halachic authority of the Orthodox Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mervis. Whilst the philosophy of the movement would remain liberal, including its inclusive stance on LGBTQ+ issues and a focus on welcoming everyone.
Rabbi Janner-Klausner told the Daily Jews “to be honest, most United Synagogue members ignore the halacha anyway so I don’t see why we can’t follow the Chief Rabbi and ignore him at the same time too”.
A spokesperson for the Masorti movement said “two can play at this game, we’re looking at affiliating with the Satmar Chassidic sect to stay ahead of the game, of course it will mean renouncing Israel and hiding our women, but it’s worth it to beat the Reformers.